Meet the Candy Crafters

Behind the Scenes

The Andersen Innovators: The Dreamers Who Make Your Candy Pop

Welcome to the heart of Andersen's Crazy Candy (ACC) – where imagination meets sugar, and extraordinary treats are born. Behind every pop of flavor and burst of joy is our team of Candy Crafters, the unsung heroes turning dreams into reality, one freeze-dried piece at a time.

The Dream Team

Jared & Heather Andersen: The Dynamic Duo

It all started in the Andersen kitchen in 2015, with a simple mission: to make life a little sweeter. Jared, with his knack for dreaming big, and Heather, with her eye for detail, turned their passion for fun and flavors into the candy empire you love today. They're not just founders; they're the heart and soul of ACC, continually pushing the boundaries of candy innovation.


Chef Hunter: The Flavor Wizard

With a palate as bold as his imagination, Hunter is the mastermind behind our signature tastes. From the tangy thrill of our Sour Bites to the cozy crunch of S’more Crunchers, Hunter crafts each recipe to perfection. His secret ingredient? A pinch of adventure in every mix!


Olivia & Jake: The Tech Whizzes

Meet the sibling dynamic duo that makes sure our candies are as good for the planet as they are for your taste buds. Jake, with his eco-friendly production methods, and Oliva, with her genius in sustainable sourcing, ensure that every treat we produce is a step towards a greener future.


The Production Powerhouse: Team ACC

They slice, they dice, they freeze-dry with precision! Our production team is the backbone of ACC, operating our state-of-the-art 100,000 square foot facility like a well-oiled machine. Led by veteran candy crafter, Jo, this team ensures that from kitchen to packet, each candy meets our sky-high standards.


Join the Fun

Ever wondered what makes our candies so irresistibly fun? It's the laughter, the camaraderie, and the shared belief that we're not just making candy – we're crafting memories. And it's all thanks to this incredible team.


A Taste of ACC

Every member of Team ACC brings their unique flavor to our brand, making Andersen's Crazy Candy more than just a company – we're a family. And like any family, we've got stories to tell, from our early experiments (not all of which went according to plan!) to the moment we realized we'd made something special.

So, next time you enjoy an ACC treat, remember: there's a story in every bite, a dash of joy, and a whole lot of love.